Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Politics of Inspiration

Look I will begin this post with full disclaimers in that by no means do I pretend to write with a voice that has any reputable grounding whatsoever in the world that is politics. But with recent events having come to light the past week in Australian politics, it has triggered a response I felt the need to write about.

Our Prime Minister Julia Gillard was bumped by Kevin 07 to take back the top seat in the job (long story short). What affected me more was the post fallout response in the world of blogging. It is it fair to say a mass amount of female writers instantly jumped on the feminist bandwagon and cried out in uproar, too easily playing the jaded woman card. Women writers that I aspire to be like, that I read and am inspired by daily suddenly irritated me with the big 'who ha' over how since we have lost a female role model, what will happen to all the little girls of the world now that the only female reign of power has ceased?

See I think that's incorrect. It was wonderful to see the world progress to a position that could have a female leading the country- purely because it was a first. But from what I know, she wasn't doing a fabulous job and lost her footing to have yes, a man come back to take the rightful role. Why, are the women of Oz all in a rage that now the future generations suddenly have no role model? Who follows a role model that simply, was not doing a great job? It is all well and good to hold the title of a very powerful job- but if you are not getting the job done then existing in that role in the wrong ways is hardly something to aspire to. 

Personally, (and remember this post is entirely my personal opinion-someone who does not know liberal from labour) I think role models are an amazing thing, and if you are seeking for that extra zest in your life to encourage you to reach your dreams - you seek out a role model that helps you get there. Which could be the checkout girl at Kmart, a male writer, it could be a female colleague, a male public personality, it could be a pop star and it could be a female politician. Regardless of your hopes and dreams if you find someone to inspire you, then they will still do that. I don't believe just because a women no longer leads this country that now all future women will fall to pieces without such a public figure to look up to. I find it a little ye olde that we still feel the need to so publicly bang on and fight this battle of mars vs venus. If someone is right for the job, and will get the job done successfully then so be it. I don't think that we suddenly need to strive to have females hold all the top roles in the universe just so the rest of us sistahs can have something to 'aspire' to.

For me, I have multiple role models in both the female and male form from a BROAD range of skills that inspire me daily. Roxy Jacenko, Zoe Foster Blake, Gala Darling, Asher Keddie, Jessica Rudd, Kerri Sackville, My Mum, my three female cousins, and my female team mates at work.

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 + Richard Branson, Johnny Depp, My Dad, My Uncle, many male bosses/colleagues I've had, Ian Kenny, Dave Hosking and many, many male musicians that inspire me with just one lyric of their music.

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I think it's wrong that we are sending out the message to the little girls of disappointment, of resenting men, of 'oh that's a pity now we no longer have a female prime minister all the dreams shall die out a little all simply because a man leads the way instead of a female'. Why should it be any different based on gender? As long as we are striving for equality across then genders then if a little girl has the dream to one day lead the country - then that dream should exist and be inspired by the people who have reached that role, who get the job done successfully. Not rest on the ideal of waiting to see a female get there first, that you could only ever achieve your goal if another female gets there first.

Go out on your own, find your own role model in any way, shape, form or sex. Find the magic in whatever it is that lights the spark within you to motivate you to make the most of your life and be the best at what you do. Don't wait for a public figure to set the tone for what you can achieve. Maybe the power a male holds in a certain role could inspire you to get that for yourself?

If equality is to be reached then step out and achieve what makes you feel powerful and great at life- don't wait to be led into your dream, jump into it headfirst yourself!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Under the Weather

I fell sick this weekend. It all began with a husky voice that developed on Thursday, I kinda liked it. Come Friday the 'black lung' cough began, just the one exertion that triggered every 15 minutes, and worsened at times it would be awkward to cough i.e in business meetings and on train. Saturday I was feeling run down and struggling with feeling the effects of a very busy past two months. Sunday brought with it the blocked nose and the need for bed rest and today I am bed bound, powering through the tissues and too weak to do anything.

It's funny how when you are sick the true patient reveals itself. You generally hit your rock bottom, where the top is strong and rational, and the bottom is victim of the decade. I've heard text messages go off and its taken me an hour before I work up the energy to pick up phone from right next to me and reply. I've looked at my bookcase, just staring wondering what I might read next should I ever be able to walk over to it and select a book. I've attempted to clean out my gmail by embracing the time to go through each mail yet getting bored after the first line of every blog post/promotion and deleting it anyways. I can't sleep as I feel unproductive. I've planned out my entire return to work with what will need to be tackled first. I've envisioned my next run at the gym. I can't be bothered getting up to go to the toilet so I have been surviving by tipping a droplet of water into my mouth every few minutes. My lips are cracked and dry but God knows how far away the relief of a good lip gloss could be. I'd like some fresh air but that's also outside of my bedroom. I'm abit hungry but food is downstairs.

So on and so forth.

It's funny how we can't relax when our body calls for it. Whilst I've been in bed all day guilt has hovered over me,with missing work and getting caught behind in my workload, with not having kept up with my blog lately, guilt over the magazines that come into the house yet none get read- they pile up resembling a new IKEA bedside table! Watching the time pass and then feeling more guilty for not having stopped and tried to enjoy the rest that my body has been crying out for. Vicious cycle anyone?

When my health returns *said with one hand resting frailly across forehead* I wish to come up with  some structure and plans to look forward to, to invest in my own  health and well-being and to make the most of my time to not get caught up in it all. Stay inspired and motivated. Care along the way will prevent a sick day! (hey-look at that, girl can write catchphrase rhyme when on deathbed!)